The workshop is co-organised by the ANdiNA group of international concerned scientists and the European Weed Research Society (EWRS).
ANdiNA ( is an informal network that works to ensure that research on weeds and invasive plants (we see few boundaries between these) is of the highest standard. We challenge each other and our colleagues to "raise the bar" of the discipline, through greater emphasis on research and scholarship that will move the boundaries of understanding. Particular aims are to inject good-humoured critical debate into science where it is currently lacking and to foster international dialogue, collaboration and mentoring. We are not aligned to any particular society, giving us the flexibility to address issues and to fill gaps that formal organisations miss. We can put our efforts into actions and dialogue rather than internal organisation and committee meetings. However, as we have no membership fees and do not make profits from running large conferences, the only resource we can call upon is the time and goodwill of colleagues.

EWRS has members throughout the world, not just in Europe. It runs conferences and has working groups that focus on particular aspects of weed research. This workshop has been developed jointly with the Herbicide Resistance and Site-Specific Weed Management Working Groups. The EWRS journal, Weed Research, publishes work from anywhere in the world and has no page charges for authors! To find out more, please go to
Workshop steering committee:
Roger Cousens (The University of Melbourne) (Chair)
Paul Neve (Warwick University)
Dave Mortensen (Pennsylvania State University)
Svend Christensen (University of Copenhagen)
Rob Freckleton (University of Sheffield)
Bruce Maxwell (Montana State University)
Matthew Liebman (Iowa State University)
Program sub-committee:
Amy Lawton-Rauh (Clemson University) (Chair)
Jacob Barney (Virginia Tech)
Svend Christensen
Rob Freckleton
Local coordinator:
Jordi Recasens Guinjuan (Lleida University)
Roger Cousens (The University of Melbourne) (Chair)
Paul Neve (Warwick University)
Dave Mortensen (Pennsylvania State University)
Svend Christensen (University of Copenhagen)
Rob Freckleton (University of Sheffield)
Bruce Maxwell (Montana State University)
Matthew Liebman (Iowa State University)
Program sub-committee:
Amy Lawton-Rauh (Clemson University) (Chair)
Jacob Barney (Virginia Tech)
Svend Christensen
Rob Freckleton
Local coordinator:
Jordi Recasens Guinjuan (Lleida University)