It is your responsibility to get to Spain. Once there, you have two options. Option 1, you must reach Barcelona airport by 12.00 on Tuesday 24 June 2014, where we will pick you up (we will hire several cars). We will also drop you back at Barcelona airport afterwards: the aim is to finish by about noon on Saturday 28 June; allowing for the uncertain travel time, we suggest that you book your return flight to leave after at least 19.00. Option 2 is that you can make your own way to and from the venue.
We will check about a month before the meeting to determine which option you have selected. Estimated travel time to the venue from Barcelona is 5 hours (but the location is worth the drive!).
We will check about a month before the meeting to determine which option you have selected. Estimated travel time to the venue from Barcelona is 5 hours (but the location is worth the drive!).